Ancient Egyptians valued essential oils above gold, they knew the power of anointing the body and practiced religiously. The Eastern Chakra map corresponds to our endocrine system – two ways of relating to the same system.
What did they know about health and healing, and what can we learn from them? Join us on a journey to explore and discover the hidden/secret powers of the Chakras with Chakrabuku.

Meta – Representing the Soul Chakra – is associated with the hypothalamus gland.

Elevate – Represents the Crown Chakra, and is associated with the Pineal Gland.

Clarity – Represents the Third Eye Chakra, and is associated with the Pituitary Gland.

Truth – Represents the Throat Chakra, and is associated with the Thyroid Gland.

Harmony represents the Heart Chakra, and is associated with the Thymus Gland.

Fire, represents the Solar Plexus and is associated with the Adrenals.

Desire, represents the Sacral Chakra and is associated with the reproductive glands.

Grounded, represents the Root Chakra and is associated with the pancreas.